Barton Cowperthwaite, best known for his role on the Netflix series “Tiny Pretty Things,” announced that doctors found a brain tumor, and he is set to undergo surgery soon.

On his Instagram, Cowperthwaite wrote he was diagnosed “with at least a stage 2 Glioma. It is a fairly decent sized brain tumor. The tumor’s cells originate in the brain, so it’s not spread from a cancer anywhere else in the body.”

He continued, “The only course of treatment for something like this is brain surgery. Docs so far have been confident that they’ll be able to remove most of the tumor, and that after a successful operation, and some rehab, I will be operating like my (amazing, talented, brilliant, hilarious) self.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, a glioma is “a growth of cells that starts in the brain or spinal cord. The cells in a glioma look similar to healthy brain cells called glial cells. Glial cells surround nerve cells and help them function.”


“As a glioma grows it forms a mass of cells called a tumor. The tumor can grow to press on brain or spinal cord tissue and cause symptoms,” including headache, nausea, confusion, memory loss, personality changes, vision problems, speech difficulties and seizures. 

The 31-year-old said he is planning to go into surgery sometime this week and followed up his announcement explaining how he discovered the tumor.

“I, over the past eight weeks, have had several seizures, the most recent of which landed me in the ER. They were able to perform a CAT scan, which discovered an abnormality,” he explained in a video.

An MRI showed, “a lemon-sized glioma in my right frontal lobe.”

Cowperthwaite said it was not “of immediate concern,” and he was able to leave the hospital and start “gathering the troops and strategizing” and deciding where he wants to get the surgery done this week. 

“I love you all, I’m so grateful,” he added. “I’ll keep sending updates and I think it’s just best, the more the merrier. All the support is welcome.”

Cowperthwaite’s partner, Sophie Thoerner, commented on his initial post, “In sickness and in health, my love.”

Others showed their support as well, including Jesse Tyler Ferguson, who posted red heart emojis in the comments, and his co-star Casimere Jollette wrote, “Love you Bart. Sending so much healing to you. You got this.”

The actor and ballet dancer has also appeared in series like “Fosse/Verdon,” “Girls5Eva” and “Center Stage: on Pointe.”

In addition to updates about his status, Cowperthwaite shared information about a Go Fund Me page in a video post, to help cover “food, rent, whatever I’m not really able to cover while I’m recovering from brain surgery. It will go toward any medical expenses that insurance doesn’t cover,” adding it will also help his family while they’re by his side caring for him.  

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