Sophie Turner has sued estranged husband Joe Jonas for the immediate return of their children to England.

In bombshell court documents obtained by Fox News Digital, Turner alleges that Jonas has held “the wrongful retention” of their two daughters since on or about Wednesday. 

Jonas filed for divorce on Sept. 5 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, a decision that Turner claims she only learned about through the media. Jonas called the marriage “irretrievably broken” in his filing. Per Turner’s filing, the dissolution of the couple’s marriage “happened very suddenly.”


The documents state the couple met Sunday to discuss their split, but since then, Jonas has retained the possession of both his daughters’ passports and will not allow them to leave the country. 

The filing states that his attorney, Thomas J. Sasser, who also represented Tiger Woods in his own infamous divorce proceeding, confirmed he would not give over the passports nor “consent for the children to return home to England.”

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Jonas refuted several of the claims made by Turner.

The statement alleges Turner was well aware that Jonas was going to file for divorce and says the couple had “multiple conversations” about it. It also states that the Florida court where Jonas filed “has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children.”

“Sophie was served with this order on September 6, 2023, more than two weeks ago. Joe and Sophie had a cordial meeting this past Sunday in New York, when Sophie came to New York to be with the kids. They have been with her since that meeting. Joe’s impression of the meeting was that they had reached an understanding that they would work together towards an amicable co-parenting setup,” the statement reads.

“Less than 24 hours later, Sophie advised that she wanted to take the children permanently to the UK. Thereafter, she demanded via this filing that Joe hand over the children’s passports so that she could take them out of the country immediately. If he complies, Joe will be in violation of the Florida Court order.”

The statement notes that Jonas is seeking “shared parenting with the kids” and that he is OK with their daughters being raised in both the U.S. and the U.K.

In Turner’s petition, she cited “The Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, done at the Hague on October 25, 1980 (hereinafter the ‘Hague Convention’ or ‘Convention’), and the International Child Abduction Remedies Act2 (hereinafter ‘ICARA’).”

“When language like ‘abduction’ is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst,” Jonas’ statement continued. 


“The children were not abducted. After being in Joe’s care for the past three months at the agreement of both parties, the children are currently with their mother. Sophie is making this claim only to move the divorce proceedings to the UK and to remove the children from the U.S. permanently.” 

“Joe has already disavowed any and all statements purportedly made on his behalf that were disparaging of Sophie. They were made without his approval and are not consistent with his views. His wish is that Sophie reconsider her harsh legal position and move forward in a more constructive and private manner. His only concern is the well-being of his children,” the statement said.

A representative for the “Game of Thrones” actress did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

Discourse between Turner and Jonas seems to stem around their living situation.

According to Turner’s filing, the two had not “committed to setting down roots in any particular place” until April 2023 and had been living in “various properties.” 

The documents show that the couple and their children lived in 16 separate residences, many of which were rentals, between September 2022 and April 2023. In December, Turner and Jonas “jointly decided that they would look for their ‘forever home’ in England, select a school for their older daughter in England, and settle their family in England.”

They have two young daughters together, Willa, 3, and another daughter whose initials are identified in the filing as “D.M.J.”

In a joint statement shared to Instagram on Sept. 6, the couple wrote that they “amicably” chose to end their union. “There are many speculative narratives as to why but, truly this is a united decision and we sincerely hope that everyone can respect our wishes for privacy for us and our children,” it read in part.

Jonas and Turner initially met after the musician messaged her on Instagram. The two got engaged a year later in 2017.

“We had a lot of mutual friends and they’d been trying to introduce us for a long time,” Turner shared with Harper’s Bazaar UK in 2019. “We were following each other on Instagram and he direct-messaged me one fine day, out of the blue.”

The couple had an impromptu wedding at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas following the Billboard Music Awards in 2019. They were married by an Elvis impersonator. 

They later had a more lavish ceremony in France.

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