Kristin Cavallari does not regret marrying young, but she took some hard lessons from it for herself and her kids.

On her “Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari” podcast, the 36-year-old answered fan questions, including, “Do you regret marrying so young?”

“No, I don’t because as cliche as it is, I really think everything I’ve gone through has made me who I am,” Cavallari said. 

She continued, “And I mean, getting married, obviously it got me my three kids, but it got me to Franklin, Tennessee. It ultimately led me to launch Uncommon James because I was living in Chicago and I really needed something to do. And I’m so thankful for that. That’s what I’m the most proud of professionally.”


Cavallari married NFL star Jay Cutler in 2013, with whom she shares three children, Camden, 11, Jaxon, 9, and Saylor, 7, before breaking up in 2020 and finalizing their divorce in 2022.

“With great sadness, after 10 years together we have come to a loving conclusion to get a divorce,” Cavallari wrote on social media at the time. “We have nothing but love and respect for one another and are deeply grateful for the years shared, memories made, and the children we are so proud of.”

Reflecting on the relationship on her podcast, she said, “I’m so thankful for my time with my ex. I mean, so thankful! It ultimately led me to finding myself. I learned a lot. There were some f––ing hard times, but now that I’m on the other side of it, I’m so thankful for it. I’m thankful for it all because I find that in the most challenging times, that’s where the most growth is. So no, I really don’t regret anything in my life. Are there moments I’m maybe not proud of? Sure, but I don’t regret anything. I really don’t.”

Despite having no regrets, she admitted she would not advise the same life path to her children.

“Am I gonna tell my kids to wait until they’re in their 30s to get married? Yeah, probably,” the “Hills” star said. 

Part of her reasoning, she explained, is “because you change so much.” 

“Think about it. I’m 36, I’m almost 37. I don’t even know who I was at 23. I am a completely different person, and yes, there’s things about me that are the same, but I’m a different person,” she explained. “And I think my goal in life is to continuously be evolving and growing. I guess it’s really about finding someone that you can evolve and grow with, but it’s hard when you’re that young to find that. Or at least it was for me because I changed so much.”

Cavallari said she has been dating somewhat since the divorce, occasionally in Los Angeles while visiting from her home in Tennessee.

In September, she told Entertainment Tonight, “I’ve decided I’m done dating in Nashville.”

 “I would consider myself to be a monk at this point,” she continued. “You can throw anything at me, and I’m like, ‘OK.'”

Ultimately, her children remain her focus.

“I’ll go out with certain guys, and I’m like, ‘They’re great,’ but can I picture them as a stepdad? And I’m like, ‘No!’ And that’s the biggest part of my life,” she told the outlet. “I am ready to settle down. I’m ready to meet someone.” 

By poco