Ever since Victoria Beckham rose to fame in the 90s, she has been known for being glamorous.

She has made her love for fashion and beauty into a remarkably successful business, and now she is revealing that she carries her passion into her home life as well. She even claims her husband David Beckham has never seen her without drawn-on eyebrows.

While speaking about Victoria Beckham Beauty to Allure, the former pop star said, “I’m obsessed with brows — my husband has never seen me without my eyebrows … Makeup is my thing. Probably the only thing I was any good at in school was art.”


She began dating the soccer superstar in 1997, when she was still part of the all-girl group Spice Girls. In 1999, they were married.

She does not speak about him much more throughout the interview, but things seem to be going well for them – when asked about the last reason they fought, she answered, “Me and David? The last thing we fought about? I might have to come back to you on that because I can’t remember the last time we fought.”

Talking about her past, Beckham told the outlet, “I’ve always had to work really hard. At school, I had to work really hard to get less-than-average grades. When I was dancing and singing, I had to work really hard to be good, but was never good enough. I was an alright dancer. I was an alright singer. People were very quick to say, ‘You can’t sing.’ I can joke about it better than anybody. I’ll take the mickey out of myself.”

She added, “I mean, obviously, I could sing a little. But I always had to work very hard just to be okay at anything. That’s why the Spice Girls worked: Individually we were underdogs, but collectively we worked.”

Beckham also elaborated on her time at school, admitting, “I was bullied — a lot.”

“I never fitted in socially,” she said to Allure about her adolescence. “And when anybody is different, kids can be really mean. I remember being mentally bullied, physically bullied, literally pushed around.”

This level of bullying happened when she was a preteen, “11 or 12,” she remembered, and it made such an impact on her that it affected how she raises her daughter, Harper, who is now 12 herself.


“I have always said to Harper, ‘If you see a little girl sitting on her own in the playground, that was your mum. Go up and talk to that little girl,'” she said.

Later, she spoke about her daughter again, recalling that the day before she had told her, “‘I’ve got a gap in my teeth, Mommy. And I’ve got that little mole right here.'”

“I’m like, ‘That’s your lucky gap,'” she said. “And Cindy Crawford is a family friend, so I said, ‘Cindy was told to remove her mole, and that mole is what makes Cindy Cindy Crawford.’”

When asked if Harper knows about her breast implants and how she had them removed, she answered, “If I’m honest, I wish I’d never [gotten implants]. It was a moment in time, and I think I can share my experiences with her. But we’re not there just yet.”

In another part of the interview, she spoke about “Beckham,” the Netflix documentary about her family that was released in October.

“When you put a control freak in a situation where she’s not in control, of course that’s quite uncomfortable,” she said about the filming process. “But I think people then saw the real me. If I’d been all over it in a controlling way — how do I look from this angle? — maybe the outcome would’ve been very different.”

Part of the documentary covered the abuse the couple received from the British tabloids early in their relationship, but now, Beckham says that she and her husband are receiving apologies.

“The other night, me and David drove to our country house and went to the local pub,” she said, explaining that when they returned to their car, “someone had put a note under the windscreen wiper: ‘Dear Posh and Becks, On behalf of all the British football fans, we are sorry.’ David joked, ‘We need to go out and lap this up more often.’”

“Cruz, our youngest son, said, ‘Wow, I had no idea Dad was so good at football,’” she continued. “It made me laugh, when I come up on the screen: ‘David Beckham’s wife.’ Brilliant.”

She also admitted that she cried while watching the last scene of the documentary, which captured a moment with her family cooking and dancing together.

“It was an emotional experience,” she confessed.

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