As a businesswoman, Kathy Ireland is watching the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence with keen interest.

“It’s very interesting — definitely moving rapidly — and we’ve got to be alert to it,” she told Fox News Digital.

“As with all technology there, it can be used for good or evil. So, we’ve got to be alert to it and be on it. And I just can’t stress enough the alertness and the protection that we all need.

“Let’s seek to use it for good and protect ourselves against any negative impacts that it could have.”


Since founding her business, Kathy Ireland Worldwide, in 1993, Ireland has steadily added to her portfolio to establish a $500 million company.

“[It] started with a single pair of socks, moved into apparel, fashion, fashion for the home, health and wellness, telemedicine, Fintech [financial technology], merchant services, wonderful companies, entertainment. It all has to be cohesive with our mission and our vision of teach, inspire, empower, make our world better,” Ireland said.

But it’s more than just business for the model turned mogul.

“As I look at the world, I just see a lot of solutions that we need. It is ever-changing. We’ve got to be ahead of those changes and provide solutions for people,” she said. 

And after 30 years in business, Ireland is still “energized” to keep building.

“I feel like we’re a baby brand just getting started when I see needs that are so much greater there than me,” the mom of three said. “And I see opportunities that are also so much greater than me, [and] that is inspiring for our team and that keeps us going.

“So, as long as there are solutions to be had, my hope is that we can work to bring those solutions.”

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