Mayim Bialik is taking charge of her health.

In a series of photos and video shared to social media, Bialik, 47, revealed to her followers she was in the hospital for a routine colonoscopy, taking the opportunity to urge others to keep up with these kinds of preventative tests and not be embarrassed by them.

“It’s not terribly fun getting older,” the “Jeopardy!” host admitted in her caption. “Especially when you have to get a routine colonoscopy and really wish you didn’t have to.


“Well, I’m sharing this because: 1. Let’s remove the stigma of routine things that we really should not have problems as a society talking about – ignoring things doesn’t make them go away! Also let’s not be Puritanical about colonoscopies. It’s a thing,” she wrote.

“2. It wasn’t bad at all. 3. I have tips to share another time to help you not have it be so bad. 4. Please don’t put off taking care of your body. It’s connected with your mind and your mental and emotional well-being. Be proactive.”

In a video she filmed in the hospital makeup-free and wearing a hospital gown, Bialik began with, “Everything’s fine, I’m fine, everything’s fine, but I’m having a routine procedure today that is recommended for people of a certain age.”

She explained that she wanted to make a video about the topic “because I think it’s these kinds of things that if we don’t talk about them, it’s more likely that people don’t pay the attention they need to certain aspects of our physical well-being, which is connected to our mental well-being.

“So, I’m having a routine colonoscopy, which is recommended for people of a certain age, and I have some really good tips if you have to get a colonoscopy. People gave me some really good suggestions to make the preparation process easier. There’s a lot that’s scary about a colonoscopy procedure for a lot of people. I was most scared about the prep, but I’m just here to say …”


The video cut off at that point, looping back to the beginning.

According to the CDC, it’s recommended that adults begin getting routine colonoscopies at 45 or earlier if a person has inflammatory bowel disease or a family history of colon cancer or polyps.

Bialik, also known for starring on the popular sitcom “Big Bang Theory,” was praised by her followers for her post, and many shared stories to help break the stigma she described.

“Get the test. It saved my Mom’s life,” one person wrote. “Found it early with her first routine colonoscopy and her surgeon was able to save her life. There are no symptoms until it is too late. They are a breeze and you are done before you even know it!”

Another person commented, “When I thought I couldn’t love you more! And admire you sooo! Thanks for always being so assertive and clear minded. You always share your light with your fans and that is something BIG.”

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