Martha Stewart is actually not “all turkeyed out.”

Last week, Martha, known as the “Queen of Thanksgiving,” revealed on the “Kelly Clarkson Show” that she had canceled hosting this year.

“I gave up Thanksgiving. I canceled,” Stewart announced on Nov. 16. “Nine guests canceled because somebody got sick. So… I called up my chef friend and I said, ‘We’re not doing Thanksgiving.'”

She added, “And I’ve also cooked up 14 turkeys already for my TV show.”


“You’ve kind of done it,” Clarkson told her. Stewart agreed and said she still had to cook a 15th turkey for an appearance on another talk show.

“I am turkeyed out,” she said.

Martha took to Instagram on Tuesday to clarify her comments and explain why the gathering will not happen at her home this year and what she plans on doing instead.

“It’s not true that I gave up on Thanksgiving! What I canceled was the planned gathering at my house due to guest cancelations and new travel plans!” Stewart’s Instagram post began.

She said instead she is “busy prepping to bake thirty pies” and getting preparations in order to cook a “stuffed and roasted 20-pound organic, heritage bird” to help her friend, Stephen Sill’s “buffet.”


Martha noted that the pies she’s preparing this year include pecan, chocolate pecan and pumpkin.

Stewart also gave a glimpse to her nearly two million Instagram followers of what the baking process has been like for her.

“My colossal chocolate turkey, crafted using my giant antique turkey mold, did not survive storage since October, crumbling into itself. I am melting the chocolate and using it for the chocolate pecan pies,” she wrote, including an image of the chocolate turkey.

Aside from baking and helping with her friend’s Thanksgiving meal, Martha plans on spending time in her garden, planting “75 new peonies, dig up hundreds of other peonies for relocation, move dozens of hosta and finish planting the Spring flowering bulbs.”

Stewart explained that “leaves are systematically being blown and composted, compost is being spread atop all the flower beds, and burlap coats are being made to cover the hundreds of boxwood shrubs for the cold winter ahead.” 

While Martha spends her day in the kitchen and the garden, the chef revealed that her daughter, Alexis, and her two children, Jude and Truman, will be “flying off to California to visit as many of the giant redwoods and metasequoias as possible for three days.”

Stewart concluded her Thanksgiving message by urging her followers to send her their own Thanksgiving meals and “beautifully set tables” while also asking her fans to “pray for peace.”

“I hope that soon we will see an improvement in our world’s affairs and that there will be some resolution regarding the Ukraine-Russian conflict and the Israeli-Palestinian war that is harming so many. Our world needs some good news — its people need respite from political, environmental, and social conflicts,” Stewart concluded.

The lifestyle guru has been tied to the holiday for several years. Last year, she was crowned the Thanksgiving queen during an appearance on the “Today” show. She was given a sash with the title, as well as a scepter.

At the time of her appearance, there had been a lot of talk about Mariah Carey being the Christmas queen with her iconic holiday hit, “All I Want for Christmas Is You.”

“I do believe that Thanksgiving is a very important time of year, and despite all other ideas that, you know, we skip over Thanksgiving, you never, never can. Here’s to our pioneers!” Stewart said upon being crowned.

She added, “And to Mariah, I still love you!”

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