Shannen Doherty revealed this summer that her stage 4 breast cancer had metastasized to her brain. 

The beloved actress is now sharing that the cancer has infiltrated her bones. 

“I am a very spiritual person, so when I have done what I am here for, on this earth for, then that’ll be fine,” she told People magazine of eventually passing. “But I’m not anywhere near that.”


Doherty was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. At the time, it had spread to her lymph nodes. By 2017, she was in remission, only for her cancer to return in 2020. 

The former “Charmed” star has been transparent with her struggles surrounding the disease, opting to share her treatments as well as her fears. “I’m not afraid of death,” she explained to the magazine. “I know where I’m going. I know… the people that I’m gonna see. I think I would be afraid of death if I wasn’t a good person. But I am.”

“I don’t want to die, that’s the difference. I’m not afraid of dying, I just don’t want to die. Like ever,” she said with a laugh, joking she’d appreciate the aging process to halt. “I’m not done with life. I’m not done with living. I’m not done with loving. I’m not done with creating. I’m not done with… hopefully changing things for the better. I’m just not — I’m not done.” 

“My greatest memory is yet to come,” she added.

Doherty continues to feel empowered to speak about the grim disease. “I think that my life up until this moment was all getting me ready for what God has me here to accomplish. And I think that’s to reach people who have cancer that are impacted by it in such a profound way to help bring awareness, to help raise money,” she admitted. “It’s insane to me that cancer’s been around this long and we still don’t have a cure… I do it because I have a platform and I have a responsibility not only to myself but to my fellow cancer family.”

The former “Beverly Hills, 90210” actress was also quick to squash what she believes to be misconceived notions of cancer patients. “People don’t know a lot about cancer,” she said, suggesting that the perception is “you can’t walk, you can’t eat, you can’t work.”

“People put you out to pasture at a very early age. You’re, like, done. You’re retired. And we’re not,” she emphasized. “We have such a different outlook on life. We’re just so grateful for every second, every hour, every day that we get to be here.”

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